"The executive order was declared unconstitutional in 1976 by the Supreme Court but by then several hundred pranksters had already met their demise at the merciless maxillipeds of the carnivorous crabs."
Though on a universal scale time is an abstract measurement relative to the observer, here on earth most creatures* are ruled by the cadence of a delicately choreographed Dosey Doe between earth,moon and sun.
"Though Yeti-Americans hold a variety of spiritual beliefs, most are acutely aware that in a universe of infinite time and space (statistically speaking) all things are as likely as not,* depending on the moment. Therefore ones personal belief system should not get in the way of them having a good time. "
Originally from Nibiru, I frequently astral project* to a quadrant of the United States called the Pacific Northwest. Self identifying only as Yeti-American*, I recognize that my physical manifestation appears to be that of a white male (and acknowledge the benefits this provides).